A Fast Loan for Unexpected Expenses
When you need a little extra cash to cover monthly expenses, vacation, school , emergency expenses or anything in between, a FastCash loan from TFCU can help! Only available to members, it’s fast and easy to apply through TFCU’s mobile app or within online banking.
- Loan amounts available from $200 to $2000
- No credit check required
- Fixed interest rate up to a 12 month term
- Available 24/7
- Fast, contactless application with immediate funding
- $20 application fee
Applying for FastCash is easy!
- Log in to the TFCU mobile app or online banking
- In the mobile app, select FastCash under “Services” from the “More” menu
- In online banking, select FastCash from the “Additional Services” dropdown
- Read through the features and disclosure, and follow the simple steps to begin your application
- Must be a TFCU member for at least 90 days
- Must be enrolled in TFCU’s Mobile or Online Banking
- Limited to one FastCash loan at a time
*Must be a member for a minimum of 90 days to be eligible for the loan. Member must be enrolled in online banking and meet direct deposit requirements. A $20.00 application fee will be charged regardless of approval and if the loan is approved and funded. Limited to one FastCash Loan at a time.